Thursday, October 28, 2010
What recession?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Small business

One of my favorite "Open for Business" signs is in a little town in Idaho where the owner makes no excuses for deer season. Anybody who wants a small engine repaired or a chainsaw sharpened probably ought to get it done before then or else take the chance that he might just not be there.
Then there is the maple syrup sugarhouse in Vermont where the owner posts this sign, just so everybody knows his hours.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ground cover

Monday, October 25, 2010
Real America

The thing I like about taking an exit is that you go, in a few feet, from vanilla to kaleidescope. The interstate highways have their own usefulness, beauty, culture and vistas, but remember this...they were actually built to get us to that next exit, you know, the one that takes us off where we want to go. That's were everyday life in America really begins.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Time changes everything

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Fall colors

Owing to a number of miserable encounters with this uncontrolled substance as a youth I learned, out of absolute necessity, to identify what I am sure is one of Satan's favorite play things. Stay away from it is the only solution, for once its active ingredient, urushiol, contacts the skin an allergic reaction is almost certain. Unless of course, you just don't get poison ivy, in which case you are excused.
Like other foliage, poison ivy is deciduous and turns beautiful colors in the fall. But unlike other leaves, you can look, but you'd better not touch.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What it was, was football
One of the fortunate side effects of traveling all over the Southeast via the interstate highways in the fall updating the Next EXIT, is the increased likelihood that an important game and our route will intersect at the right moment.
So it was recently when the Clemson Tigers and the Auburn Tigers or War Eagles played near Interstate 85 in Alabama. Our team lost, but no matter. The setting, color and pageantry of the event were great. And boy was it hot!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Why We Update

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Old Road

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
High Miles

So today, not too far from the Nissan plant in Mississippi this sacred moment arrived. A Honda by birth, this one rolled over 100k as sunset sliced through the trees to our west on I-55. To commemorate her passing from youth, we pulled over and snapped a picture of the odometer. On this model, 100 thousand is really just broken in good. That's fortunate, because we still have a long way to go.