One October evening in New Hampshire I rode down the hill from the "Old Man of the Mountain"(before his nose broke off). Taking an exit I drove to the east past a well-known lodge. The night was cold and windy and as I passed the lights of the dining hall, I could see a lot of fun going on inside. A fireplace warmed the room and people were dancing to music. It looked like the happiest place in the world was right there in that room. The partiers could not have known it, but that fire and that scene warmed more than themselves
The thing I like about taking an exit is that you go, in a few feet, from vanilla to kaleidescope. The interstate highways have their own usefulness, beauty, culture and vistas, but remember this...they were actually built to get us to that next exit, you know, the one that takes us off where we want to go. That's were everyday life in America really begins.